DIY 3D Die Effects & Clear Foam Dots

Hello everyone! If you love dimension on your paper crafting projects, I have some fun techniques for you today! Any die will work for this technique, opening the door to all kinds of possibilities! Here’s a video demonstrating how I created 3 different levels of height from a die & how to maintain that dimension – even if you mail it.


Hello all, I am so excited to announce the winner for the MISTI! Marlina Hemingway, you are the winner! Congrats! Please e mail me your info to: so it can be sent out! 🙂 THANK YOU to all of those that participated and for your support over the last couple of weeks, in particular. It means so much & I just wanted to note that. If you did not win, stick with me! LOVE doing giveaways so there will be more to come!